Progressive Action Council

Established in 1989, the Progressive Action Council (PAC) is an authority-wide resident organization that works closely with CMHA to address quality of life issues for its residents. PAC delegates are elected by CMHA residents, serve as informational resources and advocate when residents want to voice opinions about their homes at CMHA. PAC also oversees elections for resident leaders of the Local Advisory Councils (LAC) at each CMHA property. All residents are part of their development’s LAC and vote to elect their own officers.

The PAC Executive Board, consisting of eight volunteers elected by the PAC delegates and appointed by the PAC President, works closely with the CMHA Administration to address resident issues and comment on related policy. PAC collaborates with the CMHA Administration, providing the residents’ perspective on new opportunities and modifications to existing procedures, including the Agency’s Annual Plan and Capital Fund programs.

Progressive Action Council Members

Progressive Action Council Executive Board

  • Lillian Davis, President
  • Leon Burrus, Vice President
  • Erlene Bentley, Secretary
  • Nancy Keller, Treasurer
  • Nadine Jackson, Financial Secretary
  • Monique Rivers, Committee Member
To contact PAC:
Carl B. Stokes Social Services Mall
6001 Woodland Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio 44104
P: 216.432.5536
F: 216.432.5539